First Snowfall

The winter that has thus far been a mild one has brought us a cold snap.  The first snowfall for 2017 gently sifted down over the last three days.  This morning, we awoke to a covering of white and temperatures in the teens.

Looking over the city, the view from our kitchen window.
The view from our porch.
Looking up at our winter home.

My husband took the kids and dog up to the camp to tap some maple trees and for some sledding fun.  Tapping maple trees is a new venture for us.  As a gift, we received a starter kit with enough equipment to collect from three trees.

Maple tree tapping- photo credit to our oldest son.

While I would have loved to participate, I am trying to recover from some cold symptoms; so instead, I stayed home and enjoyed the warmth of the fire.  For a number of years, we have dreamed of having a wood stove; and we feel blessed to have one in our new home. The heat is certainly warmer than a heat pump.  I am hoping to try a bit of cooking on the top, and the crackle and pop of the fire are cozy on a snowy, winter evening.

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