Winter into Spring

Each year, after the hustle and bustle of the holidays, I so very much enjoy the January pace of life.  This year was no exception.  There were enough weather-related cancellations to allow for some margins in our weeks.  During those margins, games were played, puzzles were put together, and long-neglected toys were brought out to use in new and creative ways.  Time was spent crafting, reading, cracking and picking out black walnuts, listening to Beethoven and Chopin, and collecting maple sap.  There were more consistent times of family Bible reading, singing, and playing piano.  I took a yoga class, planned the vegetable gardens, ordered seeds, and researched relaxed home school styles and methods.  On more than one occasion, we enjoyed a visit with friends.  For me, this January was a much-needed time of refreshment.  I deliberately wanted to press into the moments, to take in nourishment for the soul and spirit so that I might have energy to give of myself in the coming months of many interactions and busy moments.


As February has commenced, our days have become fuller; but the anticipation of spring is upon us.  During this week of temperatures in the 70s, the children have played outside, trees have begun to push out buds, and daffodils and crocuses have burst into bloom.  After checking the long range weather forecast for March and April,  it appears that spring may be here to stay; so I tucked a few seeds in the ground including spinach, kale, chard, lettuce, parsley, and radishes.  If I can find a clear day with some time, the peas, carrots, and beets will be next.


After the cold and hibernation of winter, spring sunshine and warmth enliven the spirit.  Each season has its value and joys.